108 Cottage Street Bar Harbor, Maine
Call Today 207-288-8222
At Acadia School of Massage Student Massage Clinic, our students gain hands-on experience while our clients receive relaxation or therapeutic massage and bodywork treatments at discounted rates.
The Student Clinic is open to the public and we highly encourage anyone to try a massage!
Clinics are currently running from late November through the end of April the following year.
Massage Therapy is a hands on profession, so you should be able to learn hands-on. Acadia School of Massage offers the only supervised Student Massage Clinic in the state of Maine. Learn by doing!
Clinic Policies
The Supervised Student Massage Clinic at Acadia School of Massage is an instrumental component of our Massage Therapy Core Training Program. We are the only school in Maine to offer this invaluable opportunity for our students to gain hands-on experience while at the same time offering our community very affordable massage services.
The massage services are determined by what the student massage therapist is currently studying. Students may incorporate Deep Tissue, Swedish and other styles depending upon what they have completed in the program.
Therapists are randomly assigned. We are unable to accommodate requests for specific student massage therapists, male or female.
Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes early to check-in and fill out any necessary paperwork so that you do not miss any of your session time.
Student Clinic takes place at Tree of Life Day Spa, 108 Cottage Street, Bar Harbor. Off street parking is available.
The following are policies to which you agree to abide by when you book a massage in our Student Massage Clinic:
General Policies:
The student massage therapist does not diagnose illness, disease, or any physical or mental disorder; does not prescribe medical or pharmaceutical treatment; and does not do spinal manipulations.
Massage in our clinic is not a substitute for medical care by a licensed health care provider.
Massage therapists are randomly assigned. We do not accommodate special requests pertaining to gender, age, race, experience, etc.
Massage therapists are only allowed to perform modalities and techniques in which they have been trained.
Instructors may enter to observe the massage for training purposes.
Any client under 18 years old is required to have a parent/guardian present for the start of the treatment and to complete paperwork.
Client Responsibilities:
Clean personal hygiene.
Client may not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when present at the clinic.
Cell phones off!
Other clients are enjoying a treatment so please be mindful of excess noise or loud voices.
The client is responsible for their personal belongings and will be instructed where to put them in the treatment room.
Client is responsible for informing the student massage therapist of any medical conditions and medications which they are taking, and any known implications for massage.
Control of pressure is up to the client. Client may ask for more or less pressure, and may end the session if uncomfortable.
Any sexually implicit behavior initiated by the client will result in the immediate termination of the session for which no refund will be given. Furthermore, we will no longer allow the client in our clinic.
Business Policies:
24-hour cancellation notice is required, or a $10 fee is charged for the first time and full fee for any time thereafter.
Massage sessions will end at the scheduled time. If the massage session is shortened due to late arrival, the client is still responsible for full payment.
The massage session may be cancelled if the client is more than 10 minutes late and a $10 late cancellation fee will be added to the account.
The Student Massage Clinic is a training class. Student absences may occur which may cause your session to be cancelled. If that happens, you will be given $10 off your next appointment at the student massage clinic.
Our students do not receive tips at the register, but if you would like to give them a gift of cash or a check you are welcome to do so.
108 Cottage Street
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
At the Tree of Life Day Spa
Off street parking is available
You are welcome to give your student an additional gift of cash or check if you appreciate their work